Everyone goes through hair shedding, a routine that I go through every day, like everyone else. This may not always be notable, especially for those with shorter hair, but losing eighty to a hundred hairs each day is completely normal.
Appreciating this natural shedding process has improved my understanding of the hair growth cycle. It begins with the anagen phase, which is basically a growth period that can last from three to seven years and can be affected by things like ethnicity and medication as well as overall health.
This will then be followed by the catagen phase which is transitional and the telogen phase where there is rest. Lastly, the exogen phase is where active shedding occurs as new strands take the place of old ones.
Yet there were times when I noticed more thinning than usual which was quite alarming at first. Overly shedding hair often indicates an issue that affects one’s hair growth cycle where you begin to notice a lot more hair than before coming out.
One common cause that leads to loss of hair is telogen effluvium in which daily hair fall doubles or even triples.
As Kingsley explained it, low iron stores are typical triggers for disruptions in the pattern of healthy growing hairs on your head brought about by severe stressors such as chronic diseases and a variety of other problems.
This condition usually takes many months before you can actually see it happening hence making it difficult to relate the situation with the stressor
I have learned from experience that our self-image and confidence are deeply rooted in our hair.
Noticing excessive amounts of shedded hairs can therefore intensify anxiety thereby creating a vicious circle between stress and more baldness. Especially during stressful periods in life my health clearly became worse
It turns out that women who have recently given birth can also experience a steep rise in hair shedding. When pregnant, heightened estrogen levels extend the anagen phase, often leading to fuller and more vibrant hair.
After pregnancy or when breastfeeding ceases, excessing hairs undergo rapid progression into subsequent phases and finally exogen stage which means hair shedding increases.
Initially, this was scary but understanding that it is normal and temporary helped me set realistic goals about my expectations of hair health.
Understanding these processes has not just been comforting but has guided me on how I can stimulate hair growth and efficiently manage shedding altogether.

During such times as those marked by increased hair fall, it has assured me to understand that losing hair is something so many women go through at some point in life hence it will be only for a short time.
Fostering the well-being of my scalp from within while keeping a healthy lifestyle has been able to bring back flourishing locks over time.
From my own journey, I’ve found that scalp care is very important to hair health. Anabel Kingsley would always remind me that “your scalp is your hair’s support system,” and a troubled scalp can greatly affect the loss of hair and the quality of new growth.
It took me time to understand that like our skin, the scalp has a delicate balance of microbiota that needs to be maintained for hair to flourish.
Scalp Care Regularly
I have added regular exfoliation and cleaning of my scalp in my routine which significantly decreased irritation and itching enabling healthy hair growth.
Scalp care was likened to skincare by Kingsley who said not washing your face for days equals neglecting your scalp. Just like sweat, and oil production, dead skin cells build up on the face.
On her advice, I started using some products such as Philip Kingsley’s Overnight Scalp Barrier Serum containing AHAs and witch hazel so as to exfoliate and soothe my scalp overnight; thus building a strong base for healthy growing hair.
Eating Habits Necessary for Hair Growth

The role played by diet in maintaining healthy hair cannot be underestimated. Hair is nonessential to survival hence it receives less nutrients lastly.
However, this changed everything on my outlook about having and managing hair properly so that they don’t fall off.
This includes making iron-rich foods like leafy greens or fatty fish high in omega-3 fats become my main priority.
Additionally, eggs and chia seeds became staples in my diet since they provide essential proteins and B vitamins that help dryness prevention as well as new follicle development in the hair.
Changing Hair Styling Patterns
Decreasing mechanical stress on the hair is another important factor.
Kingsley used to say, “Hair is sturdy but it has limitations”. This stuck with me since then consequently reducing how often I use heat-styling appliances.
Whenever I do use them, however, I always use a protective product like Sam McKnight’s Save The Do Blow Dry Spray to guard my hair from heat damage.
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For my wash routine, I have adopted the use of Olaplex Hair Perfector No 3 which acts as a pre-shampoo treatment to restore strength and elasticity in my hair.
Products for Specific Hair Growth

In order to effectively deal with shedding, I have discovered that using products like Philip Kingsley Density Preserving Scalp Drops will create an ideal environment on the scalp for growing hair.
As such, supplementing with Viviscal-hair vitamins containing iron and biotin enabled nourishment of my hair from the inside out, thereby promoting healthy hair growth.
Thus, these steps have taught me that proper hair care is holistic. Taking care of the scalp, eating right, being gentle when styling, and targeting specific treatments.
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Each one is important in maintaining healthy hair and making sure that it stays strong and lively.